Girl Behind This Blog

Hello new friend, if u wanna know me more, youre not in a wrong page. Yap, as u see from the title, this page is especially about me.

Lets start from my name, my name is Shaquilla Nickylassi Anaranti. Call me Kyla (read: Kayla), but i’d  rarely called that, some of my friend call me Kila, but its okay that’s quite cute by the way. Im Leo, August 19, 1997. Jakarta, but in the past 1 year and still counting you can spot me in Yogyakarta. Because now im studying there.

Let me explain this clearly, i live in Yogyakarta now. I live in temporary house. But my home still in Jakarta, and my family there, because a house is not a home, right? I just have one brother, he is on high school now.

I think thats enough for a starter intruduction. if you wanna know more just leave a comment and i will update this page! Stay in a loop new friend!!


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